Page 36 - Microfinance Fieldwork Undertaken on Behalf of Hands with Hands

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Yallingup, Western Australia
Direct quotes from my 2003 – 2005 Australasian’ transcripts.
2003 – 2005 Australasian transcribed fieldwork data
“I guess what it’s really made me realise is that what I do is very important
to me which I guess I really knew that but you don’t often stop to think
about it.”
“One of most important things that I can see that have come about for me
[operating a business] is the learning curve about myself and you realise
just how much knowledge and information and wisdom that you collect
along the way that you apply to your business and you start to feel
extremely confident at applying it to your own business.”
“The main thing I’ve learnt about for myself with the questionnaire is I
realised that I haven’t thought about many of these issues that have been
presented to me. They’re probably issues that I need to be concentrating
on in order for my business to grow.”
“I think it’s given me a greater awareness of the amount of input to women
because of the predominantly aboriginal population just how much of a
force they are in the community. Always had the perception that it was a
male dominated situation but this doesn’t prove a better case for women
tend to have more of a responsibility with money and the upkeep of the
children and that sort of thing than what the men do. So it’s sort of made
me more aware of you know... I suppose it’s not only the women’s
responsibility but the fact that I need to look to these women for guidance I
suppose, you know, and for anything else. You know sort of guidance as in
any directions that sort of need, you know, we need to sort of change
direction at all to make the business grow.”
“After doing the interview and listening it’s given me more
confidence in myself to say, hey all the things that you’re doing is
right. Listening to you talk to me and getting on the internet,
definitely the other day made me realise that yes I am doing
something great.”
“I felt from doing this interview it has really opened up I suppose for the
first time - probably not the first time - but I have voiced what my visions
for my business are. So now it’s open, it’s out in the air, I need to now do
something in concrete to get that vision in perspective and to start moving
forward with that. It has made me aware that there is not a great deal of
assistance out here in these sought of areas for women in business. There
are websites you can go into, there are even community groups or
something like that in Brisbane that it’s called Women in Groups in
Author developed and managed a website called (2003 – 2006) and provided the opportunity for participants to
profile themselves and their business as a means to sharing their experiences as rural, regional and remote business women. This website has
been replaced b