Articles Tagged ‘respect’

Do you have any recommendations on where to stay in Nepal?

The places to stay in Nepal are varied in many ways! Google accommodation Nepal for yourself! However, HwH founder Kira Kay, makes the following personal comments:

Kathmandu Hotel recommendations:
For those who prefer a quiet, peaceful location adjacent a monastery I suggest here three options:

For those of you who prefer some luxury, but wish to be connected to the Nepal culture, this hotel is a living architectural & cultural Heritage site:

For those of you who might like something in-between (where I stay when in Kathmandu):

Aside from that there are many options for accommodation in Kathmandu to meet a wide range of budgets and taste. Plus there are various apartments for rent to foreigners at various levels if wish to be more independent. I would suggest simply land for the first few days and get a feeling first as there is so much that may unfold.

Tips: Some of these hotels offer a complementary pick-up service from the airport, I would suggest that you book to ask for this option as it can make your entry to Nepal more relaxed. If you choose a hotel that has no airport pick-up, then I would recommend you organize a ‘pre-paid’ taxi at the exit of the airport, otherwise as you enter into the airport car park to find your own taxi it can be overwhelming!

Additional tip – please check your accommodation on arrival for cracks, if the building room has significant cracks please choose another location, many buildings have been structurally weakened in the recent earthquakes and the often time the owners do not fully realise this fact.