Page 23 - Microfinance Fieldwork Undertaken on Behalf of Hands with Hands

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Yallingup, Western Australia
Fieldwork data
No usually we are going into same business – sometimes he gets angry but part of
everyday life rather than business matters.
Sisters – Before we take out loan did not discuss such matters. We not discuss
children but profit. After we get the loans talk about much more things: health,
lifestyle. Happy because it has opened up communication with our family. Me
and my sister share experiences. Share ideas means were successful. This
cooperation is the thing to a successful business.
Yes my husband supports me to take the loan. We discuss how to pay back the
loan. Her husband valued her before she was not involved as a board member.
Now has status and respect – be careful in her role on the board.
Little bit different and better. Now I am a board member (nominated by group
cooperative members) his view of her is better in that she can help others and
the cooperative.
Yes. Previous time her husband would get angry with her. Now her husband loves
They discuss as husband and wife how to spend money and 1 year ago wife
discuss loan with herself but now they both discuss. Provides opportunity to talk
to one another.
Yes. Mother trusts him glad to help him. [Mother and son need one another due
to SNUsacc policy.] Wife helps him with their business by serving customers and
growing their business.
What I find insightful about the above tabled data is the link between microcredit — not only as a
tool to generate income for these participants to bring about social change — but also a vehicle
which has stimulated communication within a family, extended family and community contexts.
Therefore, those expanded communication channels develop a platform to talk about other
issues besides business, including the strengthening of trust within family members. There is
clearly extensive use of objective rather than subjective language. This data was not surprising
because a number of husbands were coming and going during the interview process. I sensed it
was more curiosity rather than overseeing their wives.
Q.2.9 Once you started to generate an income who decides how the income is spent?
Participant Fieldwork data