Self sustaining children home
An initiative of our Nepali partners this model of children home for homeless and orphaned children is a unique and new innovation.
The essential principle is 'give the net, not the fish'.
We provide the start-up capital to establish the home (to accommodate up to 20-25 children) and involve women who are also in need (e.g. women whose husbands have died or left them) to be full-time, live-in carers. We invite two to three established people from the local village to be mentors and practical local volunteer support. This involves the local community, which can be very supportive for the long-term development and integration of the children into adult life.
We aim to provide enough land for the growing of vegetables and livestock to produce food and an income. This ensures a 'home' environment for the children to grow and develop within, providing the naturallearning of basic life skills. It also generates a sustainable basic income for the home. Generally it takes 4-5 years to fully establish a reliable income generating business at the home.
Some examples of income production in such a home are:
- selling excess of milk from buffalo/cows;
- selling eggs/chickens;
- mushroom production;
- honey production;
- fish farming.
The basic food production also creates a basis of healthy food for the children. Fresh vegetables from the garden plot and regular protein from eggs and chicken meat provide a balanced diet for the children, a diet which is readily accessible, without having to make cash purchases, plus being fully organic. This model creates a less dependent relationship and supports empowerment for all involved.
- for a detailed outline of our self-sustaining children home model, please download this SSCH.pdf
We also invite individual sponsorship of the children so that they can have the opportunity for a quality education that can help create positive long-term prospects.
We have three of these model Children homes that we directly support and oversee:
Annapurna Self-Sustaining Children home:
Located in the Pokhara district, in central Nepal. This home has been in operation since 24th September 2006 (Register No: 1686) There are currently 31 children in this home. Their main income generating business is dairy production and vegetable farming with some chicken/egg production - undergoing continuing development.
Bhaktapur Self-Sustaining Children Home:
Located in the district of Bhaktapur, eastern Nepal. This home has been in operations since November 2007. There are at present 23 children at the home. Vegetable farming and goat farming isprovides food sustainability and some small income production. The have finished building new premises and the next step is Sustainable income production endeavours. ** During the April 2015 Earthquake our Home buildings were badly damaged and now undergoing major repair. Childrena nd staff are living in Domo Shelters in the meantime **
Talamarang Self-Sustaining Children Home:
(set up and operated by our collaborating partner – TEAM Nepal)
Located in the district of Sindhulpalchock, eastern Nepal. This home has been in operation since 2009. There are at present 16 children at the home. No income generating business has yet been established as they are still developing food sustainability. ** During the April 2015 Earthquake this Home suffered minor damage to buildings **